North Shore Baseball League COVID-19 2020 Summer Baseball Rules:

In order to play baseball this Summer, the NSBL is taking a strong stance to make the game as safe as possible. Safety of players, managers, coaches, umpires, and fans is our top priority. We want to play the game we love and these are the rules that we’re enforcing for everyone involved:


  • Coaches and players must adhere to physical 6-foot distancing except when the ball is in play.
  • Coaches must wear face coverings at all times (unless 6 feet apart)
  • Athletes must wear face coverings at all times while not actively participating in the field of play (unless 6 feet apart).
  • Must conduct daily symptom assessments by coaches and players (self-evaluation). Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home. No team water coolers or shared drinking stations.


  • Must adhere to 6 foot social distancing practices off the field of play.
  • Must wear face coverings at all times when not actively participating in the field of play (unless 6 feet apart).
  • Must conduct daily symptom assessments by coaches and players (self-evaluation). Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
  • Must not share water or equipment. Belongings should be used only by the individual owner or operator including, but not limited to water bottles, gloves, bats, hats, and other on- and off-field gear.
  • No touch rule – players should refrain from high fives, handshake lines, and other physical contact with teammates, opposing players, coaches, umpires, and fans. A “tip the cap” can be used following the game in lieu of the handshake line.
  • No spitting or eating seeds, gum, other similar products.


  • SPECTATORS ARE NOT ALLOWED! [This was been updated on 07/06/2020 based on the latest state guidelines]
  • Please respect this rule as it’s in accordance with the state of Massachusetts.


  • Must adhere to 6-foot social distancing practices.
  • Must wear face coverings (unless 6 feet apart)
  • Must conduct daily symptom assessments by coaches and players (self-evaluation). Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
  • No spitting or eating seeds, gum, or other similar products.
  • No touch rule – coaches should refrain from high fives, handshake lines, and other physical contact with teammates, opposing players, coaches, umpires, and fans. A “tip the cap” can be used following the game in lieu of the handshake line.
  • Must ensure that players are following COVID-19 -related prevention measures included herein.
  • Must supply baseballs for their team when playing defense.  Each team will be responsible for their own baseballs and sanitize when appropriate.


  • Must adhere to 6-foot social distancing practices when interacting with players, coaches, and spectators off the field of play.
  • Must conduct daily symptom assessments (self-evaluation). Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
  • Must wear face coverings at all times.
  • Must avoid exchanging documents or equipment with players, coaches, or spectators.